Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 5, Foundations III

I trussed a chicken tonight, which was review from Foundations II.  Trussing is a simple procedure that can enhance a chicken's quality and presentation. Some cooks think it's the most complicated part of roasting a chicken, but that is hardly the case.  It is essential that a chicken be properly trussed to avoid burning the wings and to make sure that the chicken cooks evenly. 

Then I cut a chicken 8 ways (did that in Foundations 2 - but had more practice tonight).  I'll never buy chicken cut up anymore!!  I can cut up a whole chicken now and get every piece of meat off it!  Amazing!  And, every piece is perfect.  Then we cut a whole chicken the airline way.  The airline chicken method is just another way to cut up a chicken is all... I thought it was pretty neat.  The best way to cut the chicken is with the shears, as below, to start off with - then use a boning knife to cut the remaining pieces. 

Then after cutting up two whole chickens we made one dish for tonight and saved the other for Tuesday.  The dish we made tonight was called Poulet Saute Chasseur.  It was amazing.  I think I use that word a lot (amazing!) but I just love this stuff!!

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