Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 16, Foundations III

Well, another 7 days to go and I will be done with this class... It has been fun, but very very hard... Today I went to the early class at 11:15 because I had to attend the Chez Couture party for the Foster Children's Organization in the evening.   I have to say for my fellow class mates - our class is THE best!  Thanks guys for making it that way!! 

Due to the large amount of students in  the 11:15 class, I was unable to take pictures of my dishes and I had a hard time getting in my groove!  There are about 30 people in this class compared to about 18 in ours. Quite a difference when it comes to working in the kitchen.  We all have our own space/stove, etc. and it's difficult going into another classroom with so many people and so much going on...   Anyway, we finished the osso buccco (YUM!), made risotto and mushrooms, polenta, veal scaloppione ala marsala, and blanquette of veal, with individual sauces to go with each... As you know, veal is VERY EXPENSIVE but very very good!!!

All in all, was another great day in culinary school.. I just love it!!
I finished ahead of time and got 41 out of 45 points... I forgot to garnish my risotto with parsley and the marsala sauce for my  veal was slightly greasy.  Just look at us all workin away!

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