Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cuisine across Cultures - Day 23

Wednesday, February 10th.  For two hours we sliced, diced, chopped, cooked, prepared and plated our dishes for the Chef to taste.  Everyone worked individually and had to make three different dishes from three different cultures depending on what product they drew.  I drew corn and from that I made - corn souffle, corn arepas with con carne filling and polenta with tomato and cheese sauce.

This was my last official night of cooking in the kitchen at Le Cordon Bleu College.  It's hard to believe my program is over.  The night was over before I knew it.  I had survived another practical and another class!  This class wasn't my favorite, but was a part of the cirriculum.  I love to bake and decorate cakes and hope to be taking advanced classes for cake decorating very soon. 

I am thankful that the long (sometimes 8 hour nights) are over and I can spend my evenings with my husband or doing something other than hurrying to get into my uniform and driving the 40 minute drive to school.  Best wishes to all my other classmates who are in the 15 month or 21 month program.  May the spirit of Escoffier be with you!

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