Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 5

Today in class we made danish dough and french bread dough.  Chef demoed the danish dough first, showing the techniques for preparing the dough, letting the dough cool properly, then rolling out the butter, (make sure the butter is very cold), rolling out the danish dough, placing the rolled out butter on half of the dough, folding it into thirds and rolling again.  After this is done the dough is put into the cooler again for about 15-30 minutes to chill, then it is rolled again and folded into thirds.  This procedure is done a total of three times, then the dough is left in the refrigerator over night.  We prepared four fillings for our danishes - hazlenut, cinnamon, almond and butter pecan filling.  On Tuesday, Day 6 we will make danishes into different shapes and fill them.  We made the yeast starter for our french bread dough which we will make into our bread on Tuesday as well.

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