Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Getting Ready for 2010

Baking and Pastry class is over and beginning in January 2010 I will be taking a class called Cuisine across Cultures... Sounds interesting, doesn't it?  This is my last class before I do my 6 week externship, so I am looking forward to it.  It is hard to believe I am almost finished!  I will be finished by March and then will graduate in June.

The gingerbread house...

Baking & Pastry - Days 21 - 24

This is our final week of class... Monday - we are preparing our mise en place (getting all of our ingredients, etc. together for the practicals we have this week).  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are production days - and then Thursday is our final day of class.  We will deep clean the kitchen and leave early for Christmas break.  Here are some pictures of my class....

Chef with the girls....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 20

Today in class we plated our creme caramel and creme brulee and made the garnishes.  Chef demoed ice cream which was fantastic.  We reviewed for our practicals next week.  Here are some pictures from our last official class in baking and pastry.. My creme brulee and creme caramel...

Other class pictures....

To the left is Ty's creme caramel - looks awesome - HUH???

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 19

Today we made creme brulee and creme caramel... we also cut/decorated our cheese cake and I topped mine with ganache.. Chef demoed the cookie recipes that are garnishes for the creme brulee and the creme caramel... here are some pictures from tonights class...

Chef demoing the preparation of the creme caramel and cutting the cheesecake with fishing line...

Peanut Butter Chocolate cheesecake  and regular cheesecake...

Chef demoing the garnishes for the creme caramel and the creme brulee...

Garnish for the creme brulee and my peanut butter cheesecake.... SO GOOD!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 18

Today we made cheesecakes.  Our group made regular cheesecake with strawberry filling/design and also peanut butter/chocolate cheesecake... YUM!  We baked the cheesecakes ( they need to cool and we will plate them on Wednesday)  then we made two cookies to cut and bake on Wednesday.

Peanut Butter Cheesecake...... YUM!

Baking & Pastry - Day 17

Today we cut, filled and decorated our chiffon cake.   Check out the chef's demo and the pictures..

And my cake for Ray (at Watson) and my class mates and their cakes...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 16

Today we made chocolate mousse, chocolate ganache and then put our devils food cake together.  We sliced it into three layers - on the first layer we put the chocolate ganache and then on the second layer we put raspberry jam.  We frosted the cake in chocolate mousse, then decorated it with bark chocolate, jimmies, and more chocolate.  This cake is SO awesome.  My husband loved it!  Here are some pictures of the chef doing the demo...

and pictures of classmates working on and displaying their cakes...

AND finally, my cake!!! ( it was unbelievably delicious!!)

Baking & Pastry - Day 15

Today I went to class early to make up for a class that I missed.  I made apple turnovers, cheese sticks, and other puff pastry delicacies.   Then we made our devils food cake in preparation for Friday's class and our chiffon cake in preparation for Monday's class.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 14

Today in class we had our second practical. We had to make an apple pie, a fruit tart, eclairs, cream puffs and swans with pastry cream filling.  Here are my delicious baked goods for this evening:

Fruit Tart                                                                                 Apple Pie

Swans, Eclairs and Puff Pastry

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 13

Today we took our second quiz and prepared for Wednesday's practical.  On Wednesday we have to make apple pie, fruit tart, cream puffs, eclairs and swans.  Tomorrow should be loads of fun!

Baking & Pastry - Day 12

I missed this class because we missed our plane from Atlanta to Orlando due to the weather.  I am making up the class the week of Nov. 30th so will post pictures then.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baking & Pastry - Day 11

Today I took the early class as we were leaving to go to South Carolina for Thanksgiving and I wasn't able to make the late class.  Chef Tingler demoed how to make the cream puffs and eclairs, we made them and topped them with a chocolate ganache and confectioners sugar.. YUM!

Cream Puffs and Eclairs

Baking & Pastry - Day 10

Today we made apple pie, pumpkin pie, and fruit tarts.  What a fun class! Take a look at the pictures. 

Chef demoing the pies and tarts:

My production - apple pie, fruit tart and pumpkin pie...